How Do You Know When to Have Hernia Surgery

If yous doubtable you have a hernia, your first program of activeness should exist to schedule an engagement with your doctor. Hernias will non get away on their own, so it is important to run across with a trained medico or hernia specialist who can evaluate your instance and help develop a handling programme specific to you lot. Here are three signs that it'due south time to see a doctor near a suspected or confirmed hernia.

Yous accept a burl, or other hernia symptoms.

Signs and symptoms of a hernia will vary based on the type of hernia y'all have but mutual symptoms include a visible or palpable bulge that becomes more pronounced when you cough or strain and mild to severe pain or pressure in the afflicted area that may intensify with strenuous activities, such as lifting or straining.

You suspect it's a hernia but haven't been to the doctor still.

If you doubtable yous have a hernia— even if y'all're only experiencing mild discomfort— it's of import to encounter a doc equally before long as possible. In cases where the hernia is very small and not causing symptoms, you may be able to monitor and treat it with lifestyle changes and medical care for a short period before needing surgery. It's important to empathise, still, that hernias exercise non heal on their own and they will almost ever crave surgery. Delaying hernia surgery volition allow the hernia to grow and muscles volition likely get weaker. This will brand surgery and recover more hard.

Each patient'south situation is different, so it is of import to follow your medico'southward instructions for the best timeframe to take your hernia surgery.

Fortunately, hernia repair surgery is typically highly successful, and the possibility of a recurrence of is very low overall. In fact, cheers to our hernia specialists at the Hernia Center of Northeast Georgia Medical Center (NGMC), we meet complication rates that are much lower than the national average.

  • Less than 1% of patients returned to the operating room
  • Less than i% of patients were readmitted to the hospital
  • As many as 30% of patients nationwide experience a second hernia after an initial hernia repair, but surgeons at the Hernia Center of NGMC are highly experienced and have a complication rate that is significantly lower than the national average: less than 1% for inguinal hernias and approximately 8% for all ventral/incisional hernias.

Yous know yous take a hernia and you go ill.

If left untreated, a hernia can crusade rare but serious complications, including a complication called strangulation. Strangulation tin can occur when a loop of the intestine or tissue becomes trapped within the hernia and is cut off from your claret supply.

If y'all know you have a hernia and develop any of the following symptoms, seek immediate emergency care:

  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Chills
  • Blood in your stool
  • Unable to have a bowel motion or laissez passer gas

What blazon of doctor treats hernias?

Your primary care provider can diagnose a hernia. In most cases, your doctor will refer you to a full general surgeon for a surgery evaluation.

A full general surgeon is trained to provide surgical care for virtually of the trunk, including the gastrointestinal track, the abdomen and its contents, breast, skin and soft tissue, and endocrine system. General surgeons are trained to make a diagnosis and offer preoperative, operative, and postoperative care for the patient.

The total scope of what a general surgeon treats will vary depending on location. Some general surgeons practice a vast range of surgeries, while others cull to focus on sure specialties.

How exercise I decide which surgeon to see for my hernia repair?

You tin can minimize the risks of surgery past choosing a surgeon and medical care team that are thoroughly trained and experienced in hernia repairs. When considering surgeons, ask questions about their experience with the procedure, including the number of times they've performed it, and their record of successes, as well as complications.

At the Hernia Center of NGMC, our surgeons are hernia specialists who are experienced and highly skilled in open, laparoscopic and robotic hernia repair. They will evaluate your example to determine which option is all-time for you. Each surgeon performs between xv to 30 hernia surgeries a calendar month. This ways by choosing the Hernia Centre of NGMC, yous are getting hernia surgeons who are highly experienced and offer the highest quality surgical care possible. In fact, our hernia repair surgeons at the Hernia Heart have been recognized by Surgical Review Corporation for their quality outcomes and expertise.

Next Steps

If you recall you accept a hernia, schedule an appointment with ane of our hernia surgeons at the Hernia Center of NGMC. The Hernia Center is Georgia's showtime accredited Hernia Surgery Center of Excellence and offers you lot access to the most advanced robotic and minimally invasive surgical techniques for hernia repair. Our experienced surgeons take performed nearly 6,000 minimally invasive hernia repairs and more than 1,500 robotic hernia repairs using the da Vinci surgical system.

Call 770-282-8956 to speak to our intendance team about questions or to schedule an engagement.


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